Tuesday, May 22, 2007

End-of-year Headaches

Teaching high school is fun.  It really is.

I love my coworkers and my bosses.  One started only a few weeks before I did, so we got to learn everything together.  How to log on to the 
online gradebook/attendance system.  What to do when the online gradebook/attendance system is down.  Where to go to get supplies.  Why they 
needed teachers to take over on Jan. 22.

But sometimes, the paperwork is a hassle.  I don't like paperwork.

Today, I collected autographs so I can leave Friday and not come back instead of having to return for the Tuesday after Memorial Day.  I have nearly a full set - can't get one until I have my grades finalized, can't get two until I have everything else done, haven't been told yet what I have to do for one.  I spent almost all day with my computer, a printer, and a vaguely glazed-over expression.

Next year, I swear I'll be more organized.

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